Simply Living

Ways to Use Thieves Household Cleaner

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I know that you are already pulling up those rubber gloves to get to work, but I haven't even started my friend. You are going to feel like a domestic goodness after you dive into our top 20 versatile ways to start using this one amazing plant-based formula.

20 FAST WAYS TO USE THIEVES CLEANER TODAY. 1. Windows and Mirrors - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 4-5 cup water in glass spray bottle. Provides a streak free shine. 2. Dishwasher Detergent - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to bottom of dishwasher, provides the clean you've been searching for in a non- toxic dishwasher safe formula. 3. Carpets - 1 capful for 4-5 cups water to a steam cleaner can remove dirt and grime from carpets and upholstery. Make sure to spot check. 4. Carpet Deodorizer - add 3 drops Thieves to 1 cup baking soda, sprinkle over carpeted area, relax a few minutes, then vacuum up that smell to reveal fresh, deodorized, clean surface that is safe for babies underneath. 5. Garbage Cans - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water. Spray both inside and outside to remove dirt and grime. Wipe clean. (No need to wash off) You may also want to consider adding a few drops of Thieves Essential Oil to a cotton ball and dropping into the bottom of can as a weekly deodorizer. 6. Laundry Detergent - 1-2 capfuls of Thieves Cleaner as a safe non- toxic alternative to fresh, bright clothes. 7. Stain Remover - Thieves Cleaner straight. No dilution. Scrub gently with brush until its gone. 8. Electronic Screen Cleaner - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 4 cups water. Spritz on clean micro fiber cloth and thoroughly wipe screens to remove grim, glare and germs on cell phone screens. 9. Car Wash - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 1 bucket of water provides an environment friendly alternative to wash your car. Mother earth will thank you. 10. Heavy Degreaser - 1 capful Thieves cleaner to 1 cup water. Spray and soak for 5 minutes. Wipe away grease like your name is Houdini. 11. Bathroom Soft Scrub - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 1⁄4 cup baking soda. Using a bristle toilet brush, scrub inside of toilets and showers and sit 5 min before rinsing or flushing. 12. Bathroom Cleaner - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water. Spray over counter tops and porcelain. Wipe clean. 13. Toy Soak - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 Cups water in sink or bucket. Let your baby's toys soak for 15 minutes to remove grime and hidden dangers all while providing a non-toxic sanitizer for your tiniest of human's favorite toys. Make sure to rinse thoroughly and dry. 14. Exercise Equipment - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water in a spray bottle. Spritz over weights, and equipment to naturally sanitize before and after each use. (I personally make a tiny “on the go” spritzer for the gym cause... ewe) 15. Floors - Cleaning floors can be so easy with this one solution that cleans, deodorized and adds shine to various hard flooring. 1 capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to 4 cups water (we always add 2-3 drops of Lemon essential oil for the smell and extra shine) Mop as usual. 16. Fridge Cleaner - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 2 cups water. Great for both inside and a steak free stainless-steel cleaner. Also, who wants harsh chemicals where we store food. 17. Tiles and Grout - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner with 1/2 cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray tile and grout. Let sit for a couple of minutes. Use a small brush to get stains out. You may use less water for stronger concentration as needed. 18. Mattress Cleaner - 1 capful of Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water, add 3 drops Purification essential oil and spritz over entire mattress for overall clean. When using as a spot cleaner, spray thoroughly and scrub with a light bristled brush. 19. Walls - 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 3 cups water. Spray and wipe to remove dirt, grime and sticky finger prints. 20. Pet Kennels - Clean out carrier boxes, kennels or litter boxes with 1 capful Thieves Cleaner to 4 cups water. Spray and rinse out.